Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Precious Hands...

[PC- Yours Truly] 

Ordered these bad boys a few days ago from Planet Blue
Talented artisans from Guatemala make these fabulous gems and then Precious Hands LLC, a for-profit organization that gives these artisans a "micro-loan" in order to make their products and sell them to the world. 
Their mission is to "help artisans make an honest living and prosper by helping them to produce, market and sell their handmade crafts to world-wide markets."

Many of these fabrics often consist of hand-made traditional dresses, called huipils, and then transformed into purses, bags and other accessories.
The organization not only helps sell the artisans products, but also lends a hand in educational and medical aid- not to mention 5% of their sales to help improve the lives in the Artisans' communities.

One-of-a-kind bags & jewelry make lovely gifts for the upcoming holidays... grab one (or two) before they're all gone!

[Buy here]

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1 comment:

K A T H L E E N said...

those are beautiful pieces!